ECE projects

The Electronics and Communication Department (ECE) is one of our main focus departments, and specifically the BE ECE projects. When it comes to project choices ECE students have the most number of choices when compared to other core departments. This is partly because of the versatile nature of the curriculum of the ECE department, and also because of the technology choices available for the ECE projects. Also most of these technologies available are relatively easy to use for applications and are also economically viable when it comes to a students project work.

Among the many technologies that are specifically related to the ECE department are technologies like…

  • Wireless Communication: Zigbee, Zigbee RF4CE, Mi Wi, Wi Fi, ISM Band RF and  Bluetooth etc.
  • Wired Communication: RS232, RS485, CAN, ModBUS, LIN, Ethernet, SPI and  I2C etc
  • Mobile Communication: GSM, GPRS, CDMA.
  • Satellite Communication: GPS

With so many technologies to work with, project options become virtually infinite. Though most of these technologies are totally new to BE ECE students, we at Ensemble ensure that when a student chooses a project on any of these technologies, they gain in depth knowledge of these technologies. Also a big advantage with these projects is the fact that they are easy to demonstrate in a college environment, without requiring any expensive or complicated tools.

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List of most minor projects for ECE btech final year student... 

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-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------250W PWM inverter circuit SG3524.

A 250W PWM inverter circuit built around IC SG3524 is shown here. SG3524 is an integrated switching regulator circuit that has all essential circuitry required for making a switching regulator in single ended or push-pull mode. The built in circuitries inside the SG3524 include pulse width modulator, oscillator, voltage reference, error amplifier, overload protection circuit, output drivers etc. SG3524 forms the heart of this PWM inverter circuit which can correct its output voltage against the variations in the output load. In a non PWM inverter the change in output load directly affects the output voltage (when output load increases output voltage decreases and vice versa), but in a PWM inverter the output voltage remains constant over a range of output load.


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100W MOSFET power amplifier.

A 100W MOSFET power amplifier circuit based on IRFP240 and IRFP9240 MOSFETs is shown here. The amplifier operates from a +45/-45 V DC dual supply and can deliver 100 watt rms into an 8 ohm speaker and 160 watt rms into a 4 ohm speaker. This Hi-Fi amplifier circuit is suitable for a lot applications like general purpose amplifier, guitar amplifier, keyboard amplifier. The amplifier can be also used as a sub woofer amplifier but a subwoofer filter stage has to be added before the input stage. The amplifier has a low distortion of 0.1%, a damping factor greater than 200, input sensitivity of 1.2V and the bandwidth is from 4Hz to 4 KHz.



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White LED Lamp

Nowadays you can buy white LEDs, which emit quite a bit of light. They are so bright that you shouldn’t look directly at them. They are still expensive, but that is bound to change. You can make a very good solid-state pocket torch using a few of these white LEDs. The simplest approach is naturally to use a separate series resistor for each LED, which has an operating voltage of around 3.5 V at 20 mA. Depending on the value of the supply voltage, quite a bit of power will be lost in the resistors. The converter shown here generates a voltage that is high enough to allow ten LEDs to be connected in series. In addition, this converter supplies a constant current instead of a constant voltage.


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