Constant Voltage Battery Charger
In order to use a battery until full life expectancy of it, should be ensured that conditions like deep discharging and over charging does not happen. The circuit ensures the full safety of the battery by providing a constant voltage charging mechanism. Thus over charging can be prevented.Circuit Description. In the circuit at first the AC supply is step down to 12V using...
Special functions of 8086 registers.
AX:-16 bit accumulator- Stores 16 bit result of certain arithmetic and logic operations.BX:-Base Register- Used to hold the base values in base addressing mode to access memory data.CX:-Count Register- Used to hold count value.DX:-Data Register- Used to hold data for multiplication and division.SP:-Stack Pointer- Used to hold offset address of top of stack memory.BP:-Base Pointer- Used to hold base value in base addressing.SI:-Source Index- Used to ho;d index value of source operand for string instructions.DI:-Destination Index- Used to hold index...
SED - Surface Conduction Electron Emitter Display
Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Displays (SED) are a new, emerging technology co-developed by Canon and Toshiba Corporation.The SED technology has been developing since 1987. The flat panel display technology that employs surface conduction electron emitters for every individual display pixel can be referred to as the Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display. Though the technology differs, the basic theory is that the emitted electrons can excite a phosphor coating on the display panel...
8086 - Interrupts
Interrupts is a signal send by an external device to the processor so as to request the processor to perform a particular task or work. The microprocessor allows normal program execution to be interrupted in order to carry out a specific task/work. The interrupts are useful for efficient data transfer between processor and peripheral. When a peripheral is ready for data transfer, it interrupts...
8086 - Interrupts
Interrupts is a signal send by an external device to the processor so as to request the processor to perform a particular task or work. The microprocessor allows normal program execution to be interrupted in order to carry out a specific task/work. The interrupts are useful for efficient data transfer between processor and peripheral. When a peripheral is ready for data transfer, it interrupts...
Instruction set of 8086.86
1. Data transfer instructions :-The various mneumonics used for data transfer instructions are MOV, XCHG, PUSH, POP, IN, OUT.MOV – This instruction transfer data from one register or memory location to another register or memory locations.PUSH – This pushes the contents of specified register or memory location on the stack.POP – Reverse operation of PUSH ie POP from stack.XCHG –It exchange the content of a register with the contents of any other register or memmory location. ...