Hi guys As you know that online has become now pretty easy
way to try for earning money but actually its not so easy to do at all. Today
without having proper knowledge without having any good profitable niche and
idea we have seen so many online user are likely to try get money from online
and at last they had fallen in upset by getting zero cash .
So for that reason i have something to say to
the people who are lack of in online business specially those who are likely to
set up business in online by website or blogging. Its not very difficult to buy
a domain or host a site for free but the difficult point is to promote the site
to the search engine as certain level that people can find it easily by
searching on search engine.
So my dear friends what kinds of thing could
make you dumb or make your dreams to the failure stage are given below that you
can think before starting business on blogging or website.
1.Don’t set up any site without any plan:
I have seen many of us like to set up blog, their website without any perfect
idea or goals. If the person had never thought about it then the site or blog
which would be established, from my point of view will never gain the audience
from search engine. You have to think some technical thing which could make
your brand new website a quick success. lets say don’t buy any how a domain
with not having a good profitable niche. You must buy a niche domain or select
the domain name with your blog main niche. Example: You like to set up a
website or blog for the people who will be benefited for getting information of
diabetics and weight lose here you can set the domain name like
diabetesandweightlossinfo.com something like that don’t choose a blog niche
which you are not so expert to publish content on it. Later even you could set
up a high paying niche blog but for your lack of knowledge you cant continue
with that blog so long time.
2.Host your website but not free:
Do you really like to earn money from blogging then best would be don’t find
any free hosting provider like blogger or wordpress. Buy your own hosting it
can be godaddy or hostgator then upload your site on it. People never give good
attention on free hosting sites rather than a unique domain names with .com
,.org or .net etc so i hope you get the right idea.
3.Don’t start site with few content:
Prepare your content first specially relevant content which you are gonna
published then upload the content regularly to your hosting. Check whether
visitor are coming or not if no visitor coming wait keep patience and exchange
link try guest post and comment other blog.
4.Learn how to get quick visitor by seo:
Don’t think only unique content will give you huge visitor to
youre blog. If you never apply seo to your site then it is all will go in vain.
So try learn seo here is thelink to learn it
perfectly how to write a perfect content then you will definitely see people
are finding your blog more easily then before.
5.Design your blog
You should have a good looking template of your blog and use some of the
plugins which will design your blog more beautiful and perfect, Its a very
important fact that if people find your site pretty normal odd looking then he
or she will never come again to your site.
6.Embed affiliate programme:
when you have seen search engine are giving a lot of visitor to your blog so
apply for affiliate programs and find out any good products which you can embed
to your blog. Lets say for health topics you can use Wight loose materials in
your site to make the people buy them if you launch such kind of site.
7.Adsense can be best:
Business can be made with a website or blog in many ways. Here you can choose
adsense to get some pay per click income by the adsense program. best idea for
earning from adsense would be set up 2 or 3 blog or website with high paying
niche and huge visitor. If visitor never come then you would not get optimum
income from adsense.
Online business with blog is not so easy or so hard. Technique is get guest
post, hire article, find visitor by given an advertisement on youtube and join
with forum discuss about your own website article. I hope if you follow these
steps you will not get failure in online business at all